In this post, I will describe my feelings and initial thoughts when first on Ship Trap Island.
NOTE: Before I start my retelling of these events, I will be using high school as an analogy so you guys can better understand the feelings I experienced. The underlining denotes this analogy.
            The way this whole experience started is actually kind of humorous. I was aboard the ship, and thought I heard shots fired from the distance. I instantly jumped on the ship's rails to get a better angle. My cigar fell from my mouth, and when I tried to retrieve it, my balance caused me to fall into the water. I relate this to greed in a way, as leaving the cigar may have caused this to not happen in the first place.
            When I woke up from my sleep, it was late in the afternoon. I was very confused at this time, as I had completely forgotten about the whole incident upon the ship. I tried to use my smartphone to call my friends and family, but the connection was out. Instantly, I realized how hungry I was. I immediately began to try any area of civilization. Luckily, there was no need: a high looming tower was visible from my starting point. As I trudged onto the castle, I began to grow scared: who would live on such a remote island? Where they hostile? A sudden anxiousness crept up upon me; I carried on only because hunger forced me to.
            By sunset, I had finally arrived at the castle. I knocked on the door about three times, each time growing more and more fearful. Finally, a man opened the door, holding a revolver to my chest! I was very startled by this event, and tried to persuade him that I came in peace. Another man eventually came and greeted me; he told me his name was General Zaroff, and that he had heard about me in many hunting books. He let me in, and even gave me a place to eat and sleep. I was thoroughly pleased of his hospitality. I eventually became less frightened, and even began to gossip with him about the different game that we had hunted.
            However, just as fate would have it, there was a catch to this warm welcome.
General Zaroff began to explain to me a new "sensation" he created when he became bored of how easy it was to hunt. As the realization hit me, I was amazed and appalled by the disturbing mindset of my host-he wished to hunt down men! Men of all things! He explained that I had three days to survive-if I did, he would send me back. I instantly rebuked the idea of hunting with him, but he knew I would resist. He gave me another option (which was a lot more painful)- Ivan could exercise his way of "hunting". In other words, he would whip me! I felt helpless and intimidated, like the academic pressure/uncertainty one feels the night before a test.
            The morning was dreadful, and I wasn't really sure of what to expect. He gave me moccasins, a hunting knife, and a sack of food; then, I was off. I tried my best and set up a very intricate and complex trail. However, he somehow was able to track me down! Luckily, he didn't see me, as I hid up in a tree. Still, I had the bad feeling that he was just playing with me. I felt pressured to give up hope, like the peer pressure that students often put on each other. I tried to set up other traps to stall his progress, such as the Malay man-catcher and sprig-tree trap, yet it worked to no avail. I was almost caught-and killed-by a group of his dogs. Yes, he sent dogs on me just to try to not lose the "game". I had to jump off a cliff, into the water to survive.
                Zaroff had felt that I was dead; I surely surprised him when I came to him in his bedroom and demanded to return back home. I knocked him unconscious and took a boat he owned back to New York. And thus ends my retelling of my story. Hope this clears up a lot for all of you following my story. I'll end with a conclusion of the events tomorrow.

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    Sanger Rainsford

    Hi, I am the only one to come back from Ship Trap Island alive. I came here by boat, and wish to share my experiences


    December 2013

